get ready to step into the fullest version of you as you ignite the expansiveness of your dreams...
To The Woman Who...

Is tired of watching life from the sidelines, going through the motions, oftentimes being the cheerleader for others, but rarely for your true desires

Feels trapped by walking the tightrope between longing to be free to fly and fearing the fall if your wings don’t appear if you jump. So you stay safe but uncomfortable on that never-ending piece of rope

Feels ‘too much’ and can’t stop the voice in your head that tells you, you should ‘just be happy’ with what you’ve got

And when the monotony of the day is no longer holding your attention, you feel that inner spark of a desire, but you quickly find a way to extinguish it because you’ve been burned before and fear the cost of following your dreams risks everything you know…

Let’s be clear, you’ve tried lots of personal development before. You’re no stranger to ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’ or ‘just do what makes you happy’.
But let’s be real here, all those mantras and positive psychology talk just leave you questioning yourself more… ‘Why can’t I just take the jump?’

So after 20 years in the personal development field working with hundreds of clients just like you, I want you to know you’re not alone.

And there’s a reason why standing in the fullness of your burning desire scares the shit out of you, and it’s not because it’s not meant for you, it’s because your nervous system has been burned before and so it will keep bringing you back to the safety of what you currently know.

I invite you to join me on a journey where we re-ignite that inner spark of desire and give it space to breathe, whilst also teaching your nervous system that it’s safe for you to fly.

We expand your ability to stand in the fullness of your dreams whilst ensuring you feel grounded and secure.

Your Daring to Dream Journey...

Seven Weeks with Seven Incredible Women stepping into the fullness of their dreams and desires for more

Via online group teaching sessions, downloadable resources, a private WhatsApp group for daily support and inspiration and lifetime access to all content


Not only will this experience re-ignite your dreams and desires, but it will create fundamental shifts that will last a lifetime.

Let me ask you this, what is the cost of you staying exactly where you are? With a dream burning deep inside that is costing you your peace and happiness? Let today be the day that you choose you...

Pay in Full Bonus=Individual online session with Debs (worth £177)
Only 7 spaces available for this bespoke and intimate experience, secure your place today

And in case we haven't met before,

Hi, I'm Debs, your guide and dream igniter for this journey.

After working in personal development for over 20 years helping to transform the lives of thousands of clients, one of my expert skills is being able to guide you to your truest desires and greatest dreams, and hold that space for you so strongly that you know it is truly possible for you.

We then build the framework that supports those dreams into fruition whilst teaching your mind and body how to best operate for your greatest good.

Not only do I have the expertise to guide you on this journey, but I've also been where you are.

A girl with big dreams who always felt a bit different, but was brave enough to go for her dreams in the early days, only to experience failure and burnout and living out a life that was smaller than she truly wanted...

Not because I wasn't meant for more, but because my past trauma meant I lost connection to my greatest power. Once that was reconnected and re-ignited, the dreams and desires came alive once more along with the courage and trust to follow them (I speak more about that here.)

Hence, why I am now living my very own 'dolce vita' in Italy...

What My Clients Say

"I believe that finding a therapist such as Debbie is rare occurance. She is intuitive, empathetic, compassionate, and present. I feel supported and heard in her presence and she provides a safe space to share openly, free of judgement. Thank you so much for helping me on my journey."

"Debbie has been nothing short of amazing in every session I have had with her. I am so grateful for her expertise as well as her constant calming and kind nature. Could not recommend higher. Working with Debbie has changed my life for the better!"

"I have to say you have immense talent and sublime ability to attune to me and to really get me.

The way you have so adeptly recalled and picked out the gems and key themes from our sessions together is so heartening and exciting.

To know I have such depth of support available from you feels like a true blessing. The way you hold space is on another level.

It’s so soothing to be within your energy field, you are a truly remarkable medicine woman with grace."

"After our work together I know a new narrative is mine to claim, to own and to radiate, authentically.

It’s a marvel how you pick up the sticks from a meeting and beat such a hearty uplifting tune.

It’s deeply nourishing to spend time with you. Every single time. Your energy is something to behold."

"Debbie has been so helpful and thoughtful. She supports and validated my feelings when no one else can or understands where they come from. She is amazing at her work and I could not recommend her enough."